Eshun and I have been doing the media rounds and getting some great feedback on our book Whining and Dining. Two years ago when we started the process we wanted to produce something that we wanted to read -- a book that could make us laugh and wince with the acknowledgment that feeding a family, especially ones with picky eaters is a chaotic, frustrating and hilarious challenge. We wanted to be comforted that we weren't alone and also that our kids were going to turn out normal -- despite their diets consisting of a single colour and some smog-filled air. And of course, it had to be filled with delicious recipes. Jenna Muirhead-Warren came to our aid with some amazing photos of kids eating -- or not. A great design from Random House and suddenly (well not so sudden) we are selling our book at bookstores around the country and people are reading and eating along with us.
And the best part is -- the feedback has been better than we could ever have imagined. I get goosebumps reading Elizaboothy's comment that her family is a happier place because of our book. (us? we did that?). My kids' barber is making the apricot bars for her high-cholesterol husband (and then she wraps them individually and puts them in the freezer). My son's friend thanked me for telling her mother to put all the food on the table so they could feed themselves. And best of all, the process has allowed me to let go of some of the power issues at our table too. Of course not every night is a success, some are downright failures. But sometimes I am amazed at how fun a meal with three kids with three different appetites and personalities can be (and how messy!).
Jennifer Mackenzie wrote a great article with some recipes attached for the Peterborough Examiner. Check out the link. But we are still the most impressed with the marriage proposal from Doppleganger at 50 Books. (sorry, we are taken...)
Check it out at all major bookstores and online at and And yes, we will do seminars for parenting networks, corporate offices and wherever there are a group of parents who have to go home to feed their kids.